Tampilkan postingan dengan label Turkey. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Turkey. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 24 November 2015

Crispy Turkey Flautas – A Great Reason for Buying a Too Big Bird

Crispy Turkey Flautas – A Great Reason for Buying a Too Big Bird

Most normal people cook a bigger turkey than they need, so they can enjoy some leftovers. There’s nothing better than a fresh turkey sandwich, or three, but after a couple days, that bony carcass is that last thing you want to look at; and that’s where these crispy flautas come in. [...]

Jumat, 20 November 2015

Turkey & Rice Meatballs (Albondigas) – Perfect for Spanish Thanksgiving

Turkey & Rice Meatballs (Albondigas) – Perfect for Spanish Thanksgiving

Making delicious meatballs with fatty, flavorful beef is no great feat, but creating something as delectable using ground turkey is another story. As the old joke goes, it may be bland, but at least it’s dry. So, you’re going to need a very specialized strategy, and by “specialized [...]