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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Process Information. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

What is ExtTag.exe and how to remove it?

ExtTag.exe - by AgentMainService

What is ExtTag.exe?

ExtTag.exe is a browser hijacker that will redirect your web browser to dodgy and spammy websites. In a worst-case scenario you may be redirected to a malicious website and infect your computer. It's usually detected as RDN/Generic.dx, PUP.Optional.Linkury.PrxySvrRST, Generic6.BUEW, a variant of MSIL/Toolbar.Linkury.S potentially unwanted program. Detection ration is 18 / 57. Needless to say, such detection ration is pretty low and must be improved to ensure proper protection against this malware. As a savvy internet user you don't need me to tell you that there is a plethora of weird and (not so) wonderful things hiding in plain view on the internet and waiting to do us harm. Malicious software is big business and there are no end of different, innovate (and not in a good way) methods being used to con us out of our hard earned cash, corrupt our precious files and data and render our PCs virtually unusable. Browser hijackers can be as dangerous as spyware and Trojans. ExtTag.exe can not delete your files or steal sensitive information. However, it can modify proxy settings and redirect you to malicious websites. What is more, it runs multiple processes on your computer in order to download updates and install more malware. It goes without saying that it's not essential for Windows and can cause serious problems. It's not digitally signed too. I recommend you to remove ExtTag.exe and related malware from your computer. To do so, please run a full system scan with anti-malware software.

File name: ExtTag.exe
Publisher: AgentMainService
File Location Windows XP: C:\Program Files\ExtTag\
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\ProgramData\ExtTag\
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → ExtTag.exe

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

What is updater.exe and how to remove it?

Updater.exe - by UpdateWrapper

What is updater.exe?

This file may be malware but also may be legit. It is often used by software developers as an update module but unfortunately cyber criminals use it as well. This particular updater.exe is a part of UpdateWrapper program which is detected as malware by multiple anti-virus engines (VirusTotal scan results). It's a potentially unwanted program that hijacks web browsers, installs bogus browser extension and displays ads on your computer. Some anti-virus engines may detect is as a Trojan TR/Crypt.Xpack.274725. Trojan Horse is something designed to fool you into thinking it is innocent, then, once accepted, attacks you (or rather your PC) from within. And we are playing the part of the Trojans in this whole sorry modern day saga because the malware needs you to invite it onto your system so that it can do its dirty work. Some varinats of this infection can send numerous requests from any number of infected PCs to bombard a website with traffic - bringing about a DoS situation. What is more, it can crash your web browser and display very annoying User Extensions\Client.exe error message every time you turn on your computer. It does not have any valid digital signatures and it's not essential for Windows. Needles to say, I recommend you to remove updater.exe and related malware from your computer. To do so, please run a full system scan with anti-malware software.

File name: updater.exe
Publisher: UpdateWrapper
File Location Windows XP: C:\Program Files\user extensions\
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Program Files (x86)\user extensions\
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → updater.exe

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

What is srptm.exe and how to remove it?

Srptm.exe - by ReSoft LTD.

What is srptm.exe?

Srptm.exe is a part of snap.do browser hijacker. Multiple anti-virus engines have detected it as PUA/Linkury.Gen2, Adware.Linkury, not-a-virus:WebToolbar.MSIL.SmartBar.d and unwanted program. The fact that it has a valid digital signature doesn't make it less harmful. So, you've found srptm.exe malware but you're being proactive and trying to find out a little more about it. Good for you – knowing as much as you can about all the different types of malware is a very good step towards protecting yourself and your computer as much as you can. When talking about browser hijackers, in particular, knowing how they got their name is a good clue to the way they operate, and will give you a better understanding of how to avoid one if possible. Browser hijackers, to the untrained eye look like harmless – even useful software programs. Getting suckered in by this browser hijacker can leave your data corrupted, your files deleted and your security severely weakened. Not so harmless after all. Needles to say, I recommend you to remove srptm.exe and related malware from your computer. To do so, please run a full system scan with anti-malware software.

File name: srptm.exe
Publisher: ReSoft LTD
File Location Windows XP: C:\Program Files\LPT\
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Program Files (x86)\LPT\
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → srptm.exe

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

What is levelqualitywatcher64.exe and how to remove it?

levelqualitywatcher64.exe - Adpeak Service by Adpeak, Inc.

What is levelqualitywatcher64.exe?

levelqualitywatcher64.exe is a part of Level Quality Watcher adware. The program runs automatically on Windows start up. It creates a Windows service with the same name and attempts to access the internet, usually the advertising servers located at amazonaws.com. Firewall programs usually flag this file as potentially dangerous because it tries to download ads from third party servers. What is more, this program has been detected as malicious by multiple anti-virus scanners, Dr.Web, Sophos, ESET, Malwarebytes, just to name a few. It is usually detected as adware, PUP (PUP.Optional.Adpeak) and in some cases even as a Trojan horse (Trojan.DownLoader10.41037). One way or another, this application isn't essential for Windows and should be uninstalled. Keep in mind that it displays ads and may download and install additional malware on your computer. Even though, the file has a valid digital signature it's still a part of ad-supported application which not only displays advertisements but also gathers information about your browsing habits. Most of the time, this adware is bundled with spyware and other malware. It is promoted through the use of fake software updates webpages. If you found this program running in the background then your computer is infected with adware and spyware. I recommend you to remove levelqualitywatcher64.exe from your computer and run a full system scan with recommended anti-malware software.

File name: levelqualitywatcher64.exe
Publisher: Adpeak, Inc.
File Location Windows XP: %PROGRAM_FILES%\Level Quality Watcher\levelqualitywatcher64.exe
File Location Windows 7: %PROGRAM_FILES%\Level Quality Watcher\levelqualitywatcher64.exe
Startup file: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Level Quality Watcher

What is levelqualitywatcher32.exe and how to remove it?

levelqualitywatcher32.exe - Adpeak Service by Adpeak, Inc.

What is levelqualitywatcher32.exe?

levelqualitywatcher32.exe is the main executable file of Level Quality Watcher adware. It's a part Adpeak adware family. The file runs automatically on Windows start up. It creates a Windows service with the same name and attempts to access the internet, usually the ad servers located at amazonaws.com. Firewall programs usually flag this file as potentially dangerous because it tries to download ads from third party servers. What is more, levelqualitywatcher32.exe has been detected as malicious by multiple anti-virus scanners, Dr.Web, Sophos, ESET, Malwarebytes, just to name a few. It is usually detected as adware, PUP (PUP.Optional.Adpeak) and in some cases even as a Trojan horse (Trojan.DownLoader10.41037). One way or another, this application isn't essential for Windows and should be uninstalled. Keep in mind that it displays ads and may download and install additional malware on your computer. Even though, the file has a valid digital signature it's still a part of ad-supported application which not only displays advertisements but also gathers information about your browsing habits. I recommend you to remove this adware from your computer and run a full system scan with recommended anti-malware software.

File name: levelqualitywatcher32.exe
Publisher: Adpeak, Inc.
File Location Windows XP: %PROGRAM_FILES%\Level Quality Watcher\LevelQualityWatcher32.exe
File Location Windows 7: %PROGRAM_FILES%\Level Quality Watcher\LevelQualityWatcher32.exe
Startup file: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Level Quality Watcher