Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

What is srptm.exe and how to remove it?

Srptm.exe - by ReSoft LTD.

What is srptm.exe?

Srptm.exe is a part of browser hijacker. Multiple anti-virus engines have detected it as PUA/Linkury.Gen2, Adware.Linkury, not-a-virus:WebToolbar.MSIL.SmartBar.d and unwanted program. The fact that it has a valid digital signature doesn't make it less harmful. So, you've found srptm.exe malware but you're being proactive and trying to find out a little more about it. Good for you – knowing as much as you can about all the different types of malware is a very good step towards protecting yourself and your computer as much as you can. When talking about browser hijackers, in particular, knowing how they got their name is a good clue to the way they operate, and will give you a better understanding of how to avoid one if possible. Browser hijackers, to the untrained eye look like harmless – even useful software programs. Getting suckered in by this browser hijacker can leave your data corrupted, your files deleted and your security severely weakened. Not so harmless after all. Needles to say, I recommend you to remove srptm.exe and related malware from your computer. To do so, please run a full system scan with anti-malware software.

File name: srptm.exe
Publisher: ReSoft LTD
File Location Windows XP: C:\Program Files\LPT\
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Program Files (x86)\LPT\
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → srptm.exe

What is srptm.exe and how to remove it?
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