Minggu, 29 November 2015

BBM Official Material Design Beta Version Apk Free Download (Rikri Rikardo)

BBM Official Material Design Beta Version Apk Free Download (Rikri Rikardo)

BBM Official Material Design Beta Version Apk Free Download (Rikardo Rikri): good evening and best wishes to all of us, on this beautiful night I will share again the latest update from the fuel, if I usually share about the update of the BBM MOD, but posting this time I will share the latest Official BBM yesterday had a chance to update itself to a Beta version This version, so is the concept of the latest BBM. What's new in the Beta version of this Here is the complete description. Is a Beta version, where each application undergoes a Beta version is still going to be a concept, and not necessarily be released version similar to asking the question, why? This aims to give evaluations or comments from all users of BBM, for which the comments in its own material will be conveyed by the RIM BlackBerry, so things that need and do not need to be added in the next update of BBM will soon be revealed. However, although still a BETA version, this is already the Official BBM we can enjoy features such as 

What's New In Beta 
  • New Notificatiions In Feed 
  • New Notifications In the Main Bar
And if we look at the BETA version of Material Design first appeared, many complained about his BBM not connected and often force close, but in this version already made CONNECTED by Rikardo Rikri, so that we can be free to use it , without having to worry about being cut off connections, where only members who got the invitation to the RIM can use it. Screenshotnya following and for friends who want to BBM please download the Beta now.

Source: BBFAI Forum
Editor : Yanuarie Firmansyah

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BBM Official Material Design Beta Version Apk Free Download (Rikri Rikardo)
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