Minggu, 29 November 2015

BBM MOD BETA DARK CONNECTED V292.11.7.Apk Free Download 2015 (Rikri Rikardo)

BBM MOD BETA DARK CONNECTED V292.11.7.Apk Free Download 2015 (Rikri Rikardo)

BBM MOD BETA DARK CONNECTED V 292.11.7. Apk Free Download 2015: good evening and best wishes to us all. On kesemptan this time I will share BBM MOD Beta that had been previously update to version Official. In this version of BBM MOD Beta Dark, Rikardo Rikri takes the concept as the name that is Dark and color combinations with the addition of the other, so it looks more attractive and is great for friends who are want to Update BBM MOD Dark. And usually there is a complaint about a failed connection, this time it's already in as much as the previous BETA version. Although  this BBM MOD is a BETA version, but for those of you who are interested to have a look of the BBM Beta MOD Dark and try new features in it, just download and install it now. To find out more details, you can check below.

Features Of BBM MOD BETA Dark Connected
  • Load Font, You can load font from your file manager, to change your own font style
  • Extended Setting, There is extended setting to set some feature more function
  • Set Password, You can set your own password to make it save
  • Begal Reload, you can refresh your BBM account
  • Corner Radius DP, you can set your Radius corner DP, set level round DP
  • Block Read Status, You can block R status in chat
  • Show DP, You can show or hide DP in BBM
  • Grayscale DP, You can make your and your DP's friend change to gray color
  • Full DP, This feature make DP full size
  • New Icon, there is new icon in BBM account
  • New Style With Dark Theme
  • Etc

Credit And Thanks To:
  • Trangga Ken
  • Rirki Rikardo 
  • Ciben Doank
  • Keysa Khairunnisa
  • Mifta Hry
  • Naufal Rizky Syah
  • Teguh Ari Wibowo
  • Pitoy Cana
  • Dhian Rusdhiana
  • All Mastah And Member BBFAI
Source: BBFAI Forum
Editor : Yanuarie Firmansyah

Thankyou you have to be my visitors in MASARIETECH.BLOGSPOT.COM I hope it can be usefull and I'm  happy if you can came back again
BBM MOD BETA DARK CONNECTED V292.11.7.Apk Free Download 2015 (Rikri Rikardo)
4/ 5

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