Selasa, 01 September 2015

Remove SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 Malware (Uninstall Guide)

SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 is a heuristic detection designed to generically detect newly released malicious files. It belongs to the W32.SAPE.Heur.2 malware family. If you have spotted multiple randomly named DLL files on your computer that you have no recollection of installing you may, quite justifiably, be wondering what on earth is going on, and where they came from. After all, if YOU didn't install them, then who did? Well, I'm going to break it to you, not very gently, that you were in fact responsible for these unidentified files! This is something known as malware. I'm talking about every computer user's potential enemy. SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 normally stealth installs itself on your computer by piggy backing on another program – something that you are intentionally downloading or upgrading. However, the worst part is that this malware can actually allow cyber criminals to access your computer.

Other ways that this malware can infect you

As well as this aforementioned piggy backing, such malicious programs have a couple of other tricks up their sleeve: some will be installed by what is known in techy circles as a 'drive-by installation', which is when you visit a website that has been compromised by the W32.SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 malware, and they then pass the infection on to you. That's why you should always make sure that you have the latest version of the Windows installed on your computer and that your anti-virus program is fully updated.

One of these teo installation methods are dealt with in different ways: obviously if you have just bought a used desktop or laptop, you should check what is pre-installed before you start using it. That way you can uninstall anything you don't like the look of. In the case of malicious programs that come bundled with other software, mostly Trojan horses, the trick to avoiding these is to carefully read End User License Agreements when installing or upgrading programs. Make sure you know exactly what you are installing by checking the small print and making sure that agreement boxes are not already checked or unchecked in favor of an add on. Unfortunately there is not a lot you can do about being hit at random by a drive by installation. If you are not so sure if the file you are going to run is malicious upload it to VirusTotal and see if it comes up with anything suspicious.

How to spot SAPE.Heur.9BDD4

On the plus side, if you do have this malware installed on your machine, it is fairly obvious. Your %Temp% folder will be full of randomly named DLL files. Your anti-virus program may pick them up but because it's a pretty new threat it may fail to permanently remove them. Luckily, there are few tools specifically designed to remove such malware.

What does it actually do?

Such malicious programs as SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 are not only seriously harmful but also cause a number of Windows problems. Some will bombard you with pop-up adverts but the majority of them will install that new toolbar and make using your computer unfamiliar. These tool bars are rarely as advanced as the ones we are used to using and will have scant capabilities. They also have an extremely irritating habit of sending you to websites that you don’t want to visit. As you can see, it's possible to allow a remote access to your computer and even hijack your web browser and display adverts. Needles to say, you should get rid of it immediately.

How do I remove SAPE.Heur.9BDD4?

If your computer is already infected and you can't seem to get rid of this high risk malware, please follow the steps in the removal guide below. If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur,

SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 Malware Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this infection from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this malware. Hopefully you won't have to do that.

NOTE: If you can't download or run it, please restart your computer in Safe Mode with Networking or Safe Mode and try again. If you don't know how to do that, please watch this video.

2. Download and run TDSSKiller. Press the button Start scan for the utility to start scanning.

3. Wait for the scan and disinfection process to be over. Then click Continue. Please reboot your computer after the disinfection is over.

Remove SAPE.Heur.9BDD4 Malware (Uninstall Guide)
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