Kamis, 17 September 2015

Remove Artemis Trojan Horse Malware (Uninstall Guide)

If you are wondering whether Artemis Trojan Horse is a malicious program or if it is actually a virus – which it is often thought to be – then you have come to the right place. If you're reading this because your computer is already infected then please follow the steps in the removal guide below. More importantly, if you would like to know how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of this Trojan Horse attack then I will also tell you how to best protect yourself.

Trojan Horses are a type of malicious software, or malware, and although many people label them as a virus they are not actually one. The difference is that viruses replicate themselves but Artemis Trojan Horse doesn't. However, this Trojan infection is extremely nasty and you definitely do want to protect yourself against it because it can cause real problems on your PC and to your data. Very often, it hijacks your web browser, changes your home page and search engine. It may also redirect your web browser to malicious websites and display pop-up adverts.

A closer look at the Artemis Trojan

So, just as our historical Trojan Horse was disguised as a gift but was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, so too is a modern Trojan Horse. This program will present itself to you as a useful, fun or entertaining program or file and trick you into thinking you can't live without it. Then, once you've clicked on it and installed it, the Trojan will then infiltrate your computer and cause you untold problems.

How is Artemis Trojan horse disseminated?

There are many different variants of this infection, Artemis!CB346809273C, Artemis!295214DE9187, Artemis!9AFBBE9B0CB6, Artemis!56C9EF26F88B, Artemis!4A7D6442CE3D just to name a few. The majority of them are spread through spam email although increasingly, as their popularity grows, instant messaging apps are also being used. The Trojan will be hidden in a link or in a file attached to the message or mail. If you have previously been infected by a different type of malware, you may be seeing pop-up windows that claim to be from an anti-virus tool and will tell you that they have found issues on your PC. This is a lie of course and clicking on the button to run the program and scan your computer will merely result in you executing a Trojan.

What can Trojan Horse malware do to your PC?

Suffice to say, Artemis is not used for anything useful and its sole intent is to hijack your web browser and in some cases even damage your files and data and cause chaos on your PC. It can compromise its security too by allowing a third party – i.e. a cyber criminal - to access your computer via the internet. The Trojan will open a portal on your computer that the criminal can use to make a connection. What will they do once they're connected to your PC? Well that is entirely their choice! They may want to view your data and personal information, or they might want to modify or even delete your files. Some variants of this Trojan install something called a keylogger which lets them see which keys you are hitting so that they can steal your passwords.

How do I protect myself?

Put simply; install a decent anti-malware and never open emails from unknown senders!

How do I remove Artemis Trojan?

If your computer is already infected and you can't seem to get rid of this high risk Trojan horse malware, please follow the steps in the removal guide below. If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur, http://deletemalware.blogspot.com

Artemis Trojan Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this Trojan horse from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this malware. Hopefully you won't have to do that.

NOTE: If you can't download or run anti-malware software, please restart your computer in Safe Mode with Networking or Safe Mode and try again. If you don't know how to do that, please watch this video.

2. Download and run TDSSKiller. Press the button Start scan for the utility to start scanning.

3. Wait for the scan and disinfection process to be over. Then click Continue. Please reboot your computer after the disinfection is over.

Remove Artemis Trojan Horse Malware (Uninstall Guide)
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