Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Temple Run 2 v1.27 Mod Apk Unlimited Coins Free Download 2016

Temple Run 2 v1.27 Mod Apk Unlimited Coins Free Download 2016, Selamat malam teman.. salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, dimalam yang indah ini saya akan memberikan informasi game terbaru yang juga gak kalah keren lhoo dari update sebelumnya..
Game ini sudah pernah di unduh lebih dari 170 juta downloaders pada versi sebelumnya, wah.. keren ya.. udah banyak yang download.. emang apa sih yang bikin game ini begitu diminati? yuk kita cari tahu sama-sama
Adalah Temple Run 2 v1.27 merupakan permainan melarikan diri (seperti permainan kategori advanture run) nah bedanya kita akan dibuat seolah kita sendiri yang sedang memainkannya, karena dari segi grafis dan visualnya udah di buat semenarik mungkin, dan hebatnya pada versi kedua ini Temple Run 2 sudah dilengkapi berbagai fitur unik salah satunya banyak rintangan yang akan membuat kita lebih waspada. Penasaran kan gimana kerennya game ini? yuk download langsung sekarang juga.


Temple Run 2 v1.27 is the next in a mounting series of runners who endlesly. The most successfull and popular series in histroy (the firs part has been downloaded more than 170 million times). Closely follow the original format, offers the same game mechanisms, while adding a number of additional
Among the new features in the Tmple Run 2 is introduction of new barriers and increased strength, keeping the players more alert to whataver is going on aroun them. In addition you can now increase the power whenever you want, you an additional element of stratey into its alloy.
Another interesting developement in Temple Run 2 now every character from a number of characters have special abilities which means that you can master each of them interchangeably... of course after they have purchased previously.

  1. Beautiful New Graphics
  2. Gorgeous new organic environments
  3. New obstacles 
  4. More Powerups
  5. More Achievements
  6. Special Powers for each character
  7. Bigger Monkey
Version : 1.27
Update On July 27, 2016

What's New: 
  1. New Runners! Run as Cleopatra, ruler of the snds and King Imhotep, the great healer!
  2. Limited Time Articats, can you collect all the Championship Artifacts for the exclusive Championship Wreath
  3. Run as world famous Olympian Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in Temple Run 2

What's In The Mod
Unlimited Coins (Money)

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Temple Run 2 v1.27 Mod Apk Unlimited Coins Free Download 2016
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