Pokemon Go Bot Auto Play Game Capture/Evovlve/Transfer/Use Eggs/Incense 2016 Work 100%, Selamat malam dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, pada kesempatan kali ini saya admin masarietech, kembali hadir untuk membagikan informasi terbaru dan tentunya yang paling ditunggu.
Jika biasanya saya share update BBM MOD dan game android, nah kali ini giliran saya untuk membagikan tips dan trik sebuah game (cheat game work 100%).
Udah pada tahu Pokemon Go kan? n tentunya temen-temen udah pada main Pokemon Go, itu tuh game yang cara mainnya jalan-jalan sambil cari monster Pokemon ditempat-tempat yang udah di sediakan, misal di sungai, gedung, lapangan dll.
Namun kali ini saya akan share gimana caranya dapetin semua Pokemon dan naik level dengan mudah tanpa harus keliling-keliling (biar ga cavek vrooh.. hehe). Mau tahu caranya? yuk simak ulasan berikut ini.
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi Pokemon Go Bot Auto Play, maka secara otomatis temen-temen udah dapat banyak Pokemon dengan mudah.
Pokemon Go is dominatin currently and so many users are finding some hacks and tricks for it. As I have already uploaded one for joystick hack here you can get it. This game is kinda a lot of work if you want to reach the higher level or get some high level Pokemon. Need a lot of grinding as well but using Pokemon Go Bot you can easily farm for it. Its simple easy to use just a PC is required, that's it.
- Google or PTC (Pokemon Trainer Club) Account
- A PC Running On Windows
- And Pokemon Go Bot which you can download below
How To Use:
- First, download Pokemon Go Bot HERE
- Once download is finishied open it using winrar or winzip
- Go To unzipeed folder and start the application using PokemonGo.RockerAPI.Console.exe file

- Now you will GUI TAB and the CMD TAB, in GUI TAB select Google/PTC and wriete down your ID and password

- That's it done. Now your profile wil be logged in there and your pokemons will appear in GUI TAB and in CMD TAB you will see what's happening in there.

- Entire Instructions video will be added
There are some various options like Lower CP TO Transfer/Evolve particular Pokemons/ Skips capturing some Pokemons etc. You can put Eggs in the incubators as well and those EGGS will be hatched automatically. The problem is you have to manually place eggs in incubators. One more problem I have found is that some Pokemons are not transferring automatically so you can easily transfer them using GUI TAB. its easy and requiers no hard work. You are reading this on Masarietech.blogspot.com. It's easy and Ban-free. Try it
Nah itulah beberapa tkhnik yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mendapat banyak Pokemon tanpa harus jalan-jalan, cukup sediakan PC dan download file Pokemon Go Bot disini.
Source: Andropalace.net
Terimakasih telah berkunjung di MASARIETECH.BLOGSPOT.COM semoga bemanfaat dan selamat berkunjung kembali.
Pokemon Go Bot Auto Play Game Capture/Evovlve/Transfer/Use Eggs/Incense 2016 Work 100%