Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

Assasins Creed Identity APK+DATA Android MOD 2.6.0 Free Download 2016

Assasins Creed Identity APK+DATA Android MOD 2.6.0 Free Download 2016, Selamat malam dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, dimalam yang indah ini, saya admin masarietech kembali hadir untuk memberikan informasi terupdate seputar game Android yang keren dan tentunya gak bakal bikin bosen deh..hehe
Pada artikel kali ini saya akan share Game dengan judul Assasins Creed Identity APK+DATA Android MOD 2.6.0 Free Download 2016, yang mana merupakan sebuah permainan petualangan seorang Kesatria pembunuh (Assasins) yang bertugas menyelesaikan setiap misi untuk  menaklukan The Crows. 
Berikut ini saya kasih tips dan triknya bermain Assasins versi MOD, yuk simak ulasan berikut ini.


How To Play
1. Create, Evolve And Customize Your Assasin!
Pick a Class: Choose between Berserker, Shadow Blade, Trickster And Thief
Customize your Assasins: Use loot, choose you routfits and weapons like epic swords and the iconind hidden blade. 
Make your Assasin Evolve From Novice to Master

2. Tons Of Missions And Possibilities!
Experience the freedowm of movement: Run, Jump, climb and feel the thrill of the leap of faith on your mobile screen
Achieve an infinity of Quest, unlock new locations and hundread of items.
Play how you want to with simpla ta-to-move, dual virual stick controls or with a game pad.

3. The Technical Excelence Of The Assasins Creed Games
The Unity Game engine brings stunning graphics through amazing custom-made HD textures,
shaders, and models to your screen.
Every place you visit in the Italian Renaissance will be an open map for you to explore: Santa Croce Area in Firenze, the Colosseum area in Roma etc.

Assasins Creed is on of the most popular franchise of all time. its succuess has been built through years with famous titles such as Assasins Creed Syndicate, Assasins Creed Unity, Assasins Creed Black Flag etc
This game is available in: English, Frech, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Brazilian, Japanese and Korean.

What's New : V2.6.0
  • Attention Assasins
  • The Leaderboards are here! it;s time to find out who is the best Assasin in Renaissance Italy.
  • Content: 
  • Hall of Fame: List of Leading players of each rank. See your ranking and compare it with your friends, and the world
  • Earn Event points and climb the Event Leaderboard to got great rewards
  • New items and outfits
  • Hero Token packages and lockpicks are now available in the shop
  • Several other improvements
  • Enjoy playing
What's In The MOD:
Will Be Arriving Soon
Requires Android: 4.1 And Up

NB: Install APK, Download Data files directly from game and play
Uploaded Un-Touched game so you can easily sign in to google play and save your progress 
If you are not able to install the APK File then Un-Mount your phone's SDCARD First then tro to install the APK FILE. Hope it helps.

Source: Andropalace.net

Terimakasih telah berkunjung di MASARIETECH.BLOGSPOT.COM semoga bermanfaat dan selamat berkunjung kembali.


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Assasins Creed Identity APK+DATA Android MOD 2.6.0 Free Download 2016
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