Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Money Tree City APK

Money Tree City APK

Download Free Money Tree City APK : Selamat malam kawan, kali ini admin akan membagikan informasi terbaru lo. Game ini yaitu Game Money Tree City APK. Game ini adalah game simulation membangung kota sendiri dengan uang yang banyak, anda bisa mengembangkan kota anda sendiri. anda akan menjadi presiden di kota itu. bangunlah kota yang sangat besar. Tampilannya sangat bagus. Jadi tunggu apa lagi, buruan Download dan mainkan game ini Money Tree City APK.

Description :

money tree: town - build a stunning city across the square with a fantastic cash tree to get money out of thin air. show your architect and economist skills in this a laugh game for Android. tap your magical tree as quick as feasible to get piles of gold. Spend earned cash on a selection of homes. recollect to construct enjoyment complexes, casinos, and other important centers to make the residents comfy. Your investment pays off and you'll be capable of make the town even greater stunning.

game functions:

colourful photographs
Many extraordinary duties
easy controls
one-of-a-kind upgrades

Screenshot :

Money Tree City APK

Money Tree City APK

Money Tree City APK

Link Download :

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Money Tree City APK
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