Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

BBM MOD iOS Light V4 V2.10.0.35 Apk Free Download By Erwin Tommy

BBM MOD iOS Light V4 V2.10.0.35 Apk Free Download By Erwin Tommy 

BBM MOD Light V4 iOS V Apk Free Download By Erwin Tommy: good evening and best wishes to all of us, on this beautiful night I will share the latest update of an application that is still being tranding topic among Smartphone users especially Android named BBM MOD. On this occasion I will share BBM MOD By Erwin Tommy with the name BBM MOD iOS V4 V As the name suggests, this BBM MOD takes concept or theme from one of the OS platforms i.e. iOS with minor modifications, we can see at this time (check the SS). In terms of the appearance of BBM MOD that has combination with line and a unique carving, so the latest chat bubble appears in it. Not only that, Erwin Tommy also offers some unique features, so it will not make you tired to use it as one of the social media for instant message, because in this BBM MOD latest innovation has been made that we can feel. To be more clear about the unique features of BBM MOD iOS, please read my reviews below.

Features Of BBM MOD iOS V4
  • No Ads Update On Feed, No one Ads that you can see when you klik tab Feed (Umpan in indonesia)
  • No Backup Free Sticker, Although it's not BBM MOD Backup free sticker, you are still to buy it in BBM shop
  • Hide/Show Sponsored Update, As same as I say before, that it has made no sponsored update
  • Enable/Disable Full DP, You will see your DP in full size, no cropping more
  • Move To Your File Manager, You can move this apps to your file manager to free space of RAM
  • Auto Rotation, This apps can adjusting with your smartphone position
  • Clone And No Clone Version, This BBM MOD has been modied in Clone version too
  • Down Main Tab Version, This BBM MOD has been modified in Down Main Tab Version
  • New Background Style, This BBM MOD has new backgroud Style
  • New Icon, this BBM MOD has new icon in every slide menu
  • New Bubble Chat, It has new Bubble Chat in the conversation that you make
  • Etc
What's New Of BBM MOD iOS V4?
  • Changing Version, Update version from V3 to V4
  • Some Features Diactivated, Althought some features are cut from BBM MOD iOS, but some unique features has adding in it
  • Minimum RAM Using


Credit And Thanks To:
  • Erwin Tommy
  • Yoyocx S Praditya Putra
  • Mifta Hry
  • Gio Mahardika
  • Pitoy Cana
  • Muhammad Yudi Rhadel R
  • Naufal Rizky Syah
  • Dar Wan Di
  • Dhian Rudhiana
  • Trangga Ken
  • Rikri Rikardo
  • All Mastah And Member BBFAI Forum
Source: BBFAI Forum (erwintommy.blogspot.com)
Editor : Yanuarie Firmansyah

Thankyou you have to be my visitors in MASARIETECH.BLOGSPOT.COM I hope it can be usefull and I'm  happy if you can came back again
BBM MOD iOS Light V4 V2.10.0.35 Apk Free Download By Erwin Tommy
4/ 5

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