Jumat, 25 September 2015

Remove Ads by currency Adware (Uninstall Guide)

If you want to know what exactly "Ad by currency" adware is and what effect it can have on your PC plus how it wound up being installed in the first place, read on as you have come to the right place. Let's take a closer look at one of the internet's often overlooked threats.

So just what is the "currency" adware?

Adware is a computer software program that displays adverts, usually labeled "Ad by currency" or "currency ads", on your device's screen whenever you are connected to the internet. That probably doesn't get your heart pounding in fear, we know, but online adverts have a few more unpleasant characteristics than many people give them credit for. On the surface they are a way for businesses to advertise their products or services but scratch beneath that surface and chances are you are not just being marketed to – you might be experiencing some very real problems as well.

How does this adware get onto your computer?

It normally winds up on your PC because it has been packaged with another program. Download that software, instant messaging tool or new gaming app and you may also be downloading adware. It can installed as Chrome Notepad (v3.8.5) or something like that. Scammers change adware's name quite often, so don't be surprised if yours will be different.

Adware's unpleasant traits and the effect it can have on your computer
  • When this adware is being installed on your PC it is also installing a tracking component which monitors the websites you visit. This is so that the programmer can learn about your interests and decide which "currency" adverts to show you. Clearly this could be perceived as a definite invasion of your privacy. Another big problem with this component is that because of all the work it is doing behind the scenes, tracking, recording and relaying your data, it will slow your PC's operating speeds and internet connection down. And that's not all for this nasty little component can also impact negatively on other programs running on your device, making operation unstable and leaving you open to possible breaches of security.
  • In addition to this component, some variants of this adware also install spyware on your device. All of this information will be sent to the programmer who will use it for their own nefarious ends or simply sell it on to an unscrupulous third party.
  • It can also hijack your browser and change your tool bar for one of the programmers choosing. Or it can take over your home page or default search engine. What then happens is that every time you try to search for anything online, you will be redirected away from the site or search term you were looking for and to a website that the programmer wants you to visit.
To give yourself a better shot at preventing adware from installing itself on your computer you should also pay attention when you are actually downloading something by reading the End User License Agreement carefully. This should tell you if any hidden extras are included and so will allow you to check or uncheck boxes relating to add-ons. If your computer has been infected by ads by currency, please follow the steps in the removal guide below. If you have questions, please leave a comment down below. I will be more than happy to help you. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur, http://deletemalware.blogspot.com

"Ads by currency" Adware Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this infection from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this malware. Hopefully you won't have to do that.

2. Remove "Ads by currency" adware related programs from your computer using the Uninstall a program control panel (Windows 7). Go to the Start Menu. Select Control PanelUninstall a Program.

If you are using Windows 8 or 10, simply drag your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen, select Search from the list and search for "control panel".

Or you can right-click on a bottom left hot corner (formerly known as the Start button) and select Control panel from there.

3. When the Add/Remove Programs or the Uninstall a Program screen is displayed, scroll through the list of currently installed programs and remove the following:
  • Chrome Notepad (v3.8.5)
  • GoSave
  • Extag
  • SaveNewaAppz
  • and any other recently installed application

Simply select each application and click Remove. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, click Uninstall up near the top of that window. When you're done, please close the Control Panel screen.

Remove adware related extensions from Google Chrome:

1. Click on Chrome menu button. Go to More ToolsExtensions.

2. Click on the trashcan icon to remove Chrome Notepad (v3.8.5), Extag, Gosave, HD-Plus 3.5 and other extensions that you do not recognize.

If the removal option is grayed out then read how to remove extensions installed by enterprise policy.

3. Then select Settings. Scroll down the page and click Show advanced settings.

4. Find the Reset browser settings section and click Reset browser settings button.

5. In the dialog that appears, click Reset. That's it!

Remove adware related extensions from Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox. Go to Tools MenuAdd-ons.

2. Select Extensions. Click Remove button to remove Notepad (v3.8.5), Extag, Gosave, MediaPlayerV1, HD-Plus 3.5 and other extensions that you do not recognize.

Remove adware related add-ons from Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to ToolsManage Add-ons. If you have the latest version, simply click on the Settings button.

2. Select Toolbars and Extensions. Click Remove/Disable button to remove the browser add-ons listed above.

Remove Ads by currency Adware (Uninstall Guide)
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