Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Remove "Ads by Jabuticaba" Adware (Uninstall Guide)

The more time we spend online, whether at work or during our down time, the sad fact is that the more risk we are at of being attacked by an online predator. Cyber crime is increasing dramatically and despite the latest round of high profile attacks, the fact is that the people most at risk are individuals and small businesses – hackers and cyber criminals see us normal folk as 'low hanging fruit' – because we are a lot less likely to have impenetrable security in place to protect us.

In addition to this viruses and malware attacks are not just an issue for those of us who spend our leisure (or work!) time on illegal or slightly dubious websites, we are all in danger of being affected. Malware, and in particular Jabuticaba adware, comes hidden in spam emails, instant messages, compromised websites, peer to peer files and online apps. It is precisely because malware and adware are such great money spinners that they are so hard to avoid. These people are on to a good thing, after all.

But what is the deal with advertisements labeled "Ads by Jabuticaba"? Well of course it is a way to generate revenue; of course – it's marketing after all. But that's not all adware can be, as it can cause you some real issues too if you have it installed on your computer.

Exploring Jabuticaba adware

Basically, Jabuticaba, is a software program that shows adverts "Ads by Jabuticaba" or "Optimized by Jabuticaba" on the screen of your computer or device when you're online. The problem that many people have with the program, despite it not really being as dangerous as other types of malicious software, is that nearly all of the adverts that you are shown are almost identical matches for goods or services that you were recently looking at online. How does that work? It is because this adware has an inbuilt component that spies on you. Whichever website you visit will be monitored and the component will collect the information and then sends the adware's programmer information about which products or services you were looking at. This way, they know which adverts to show you.

How does a programmer make money from Jabuticaba adware?

Of course, if the programmer is able to show you Jabuticaba adverts that are tailored to your interests, you are more likely to click on them. That has the effect of driving more traffic to the website in question and even potential sales. These clicks earn the programmer money – it's their business model if you will.

Do I need to be worried about it?

While a lot of people do concede that Jabuticaba is just a necessary evil for being able to download free files, programs or apps, the issue lies in the fact that adware can weaken your system and leave your computer vulnerable to attack by more serious forms of malware, therefore it is recommended that you keep a close eye on your PCs performance at all times.

To conclude: ad-supported programs are not malware, but they are almost always definitely unwanted. If you keep getting annoying pop-up ads on your web browser and you don't know how yo stop them, please follow the steps in the removal guide below. If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur,

Jabuticaba Adware Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this infection from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this malware. Hopefully you won't have to do that.

2. Remove Jabuticaba related programs from your computer using the Add/Remove Programs control panel (Windows XP) or Uninstall a program control panel (Windows 7 and Windows 8).

Go to the Start Menu. Select Control PanelAdd/Remove Programs.
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, select Control PanelUninstall a Program.

If you are using Windows 8, simply drag your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen, select Search from the list and search for "control panel".

Or you can right-click on a bottom left hot corner (formerly known as the Start button) and select Control panel from there.

3. When the Add/Remove Programs or the Uninstall a Program screen is displayed, scroll through the list of currently installed programs and remove the following:
  • Jabuticaba
  • GoSave
  • Active Discount
  • AdCoupon
  • and any other recently installed application

Simply select each application and click Remove. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, click Uninstall up near the top of that window. When you're done, please close the Control Panel screen.

Remove Jabuticaba related extensions from Google Chrome:

1. Click on Chrome menu button. Go to ToolsExtensions.

2. Click on the trashcan icon to remove Jabuticaba, AdCoupon, MediaPlayerV1, Gosave, HD-Plus 3.5 and other extensions that you do not recognize.

If the removal option is grayed out then read how to remove extensions installed by enterprise policy.

Remove Jabuticaba related extensions from Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox. Go to ToolsAdd-ons.

2. Select Extensions. Click Remove button to remove Jabuticaba, AdCoupon, Gosave, MediaPlayerV1, HD-Plus 3.5 and other extensions that you do not recognize.

Remove Jabuticaba related add-ons from Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to ToolsManage Add-ons. If you have the latest version, simply click on the Settings button.

2. Select Toolbars and Extensions. Click Remove/Disable button to remove the browser add-ons listed above.

Remove "Ads by Jabuticaba" Adware (Uninstall Guide)
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