Selasa, 21 Juli 2015 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide is a browser hijacker that will change your home page and default search engine provider. It even enable a proxy server on your computer probably to filer and redirect your web traffic to dodgy websites. You probably already know the score with browser hijackers. Really there's not a lot we can do to escape it when we're online. But what happens when a browser hijacker stops being something we can simply live with and ignore, and becomes something that turns our time spent online, whether for work or for leisure, into a frustrating battle of the wits against scammers? comes in all different shapes and sizes but it is when it is part of a Potentially Unwanted Program's repertoire that it really dials up the annoyance factor to eleven. Assuming that peak annoyance factor is set at ten, of course!

What are browser hijackers?

They are computer programs which have a couple of different traits – and none of them particularly impressive., for instance, hijacks your web browser (Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer) and changes your default home page and search engine provider to Don't pay any heed to the rather optimistic title for whether they are 'potentially unwanted' or not, it goes without saying that browser hijakcers are something that you would be best off trying to avoid.

What is the link between and adware?

Although adware is actually classed as a type of malicious software, or malware, and browser hijackers are not considered to be, they do share certain similarities. And one of those things is that they both install themselves on your computer in the same way, and usually without making it clear that they are doing so.

But what of the who show you adware? Well, these will display a non-stop stream of pop up adverts - as well as the lesser known pop under adverts which hide behind the page you have open. And as anyone who has ever been infected by pop up ads can tell you – it will have you tearing your hair out in frustration!

And that's not all because if you click on any of these pop up adverts you will probably find yourself visiting some fairly dubious websites. From hokey weight loss drugs to manga porn to gambling and gaming; adware is very good at directing you to the seamier side of the internet!

How is installed?

As with regular browser hijackers, there are a few different ways in which installs itself on your computer. It will infect you if you are unlucky enough to have visited a website that's been compromised by malware. But for the most part, it will sneak onto your computer when it is packaged with another program. Avoid and similar browser hijackers by reading the License Agreement carefully whenever you download something as they are mentioned in the text – that way you will be fully aware of exactly what you are downloading.

How do I remove

It can be a tedious task. It modifies browser settings and also makes modifications to Windows registry. Hopefully, the removal guide below will help you to remove this browser hijacker from your computer. If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur, Browser Hijacker Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download recommended anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this infection from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this infection. Hopefully you won't have to do that.

2. Remove related programs from your computer using the Add/Remove Programs control panel (Windows XP) or Uninstall a program control panel (Windows 7 and Windows 8).

Go to the Start Menu. Select Control PanelAdd/Remove Programs.
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, select Control PanelUninstall a Program.

If you are using Windows 8, simply drag your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen, select Search from the list and search for "control panel".

Or you can right-click on a bottom left hot corner (formerly known as the Start button) and select Control panel from there.

3. When the Add/Remove Programs or the Uninstall a Program screen is displayed, scroll through the list of currently installed programs and remove the following programs:
  • GoSave
  • MuiTub

If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, click Uninstall up near the top of that window. When you're done, please close the Control Panel screen.

Remove from Google Chrome:

1. Click on Chrome menu button. Go to ToolsExtensions.

2. Click on the trashcan icon to remove Your-home-page, MuiTub, BookmarkTube extensions.

3. Then select Settings. Scroll down the page and click Show advanced settings.

4. Find the Reset browser settings section and click Reset browser settings button.

5. In the dialog that appears, click Reset.

6. Right-click Google Chrome shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

7. Select Shortcut tab and remove "" from the Target field and click OK to save changes. There should be only the path to Chrome executable file.

Remove from Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox. Go to ToolsAdd-ons.

2. Select Extensions. Remove Your-home-page, MuiTab, BookmarkTube browser extensions. Close Add-ons manger.

3. In the URL address bar, type about:config and hit Enter.

Click I'll be careful, I promise! to continue.

In the search filter at the top, type:

Now, you should see all the preferences that were changed by Right-click on the preference and select Reset to restore default value. Reset all found preferences!

4. Right-click the Mozilla Firefox shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

5. Select Shortcut tab and remove "" from the Target field and click OK to save changes. There should be only the path to Firefox executable file.

Remove from Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to ToolsManage Add-ons.

2. Select Search Providers. First of all, choose Live Search search engine and make it your default web search provider (Set as default).

3. Select and click Remove to remove it. Close the window.

4. Right-click the Internet Explorer shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

5. Select Shortcut tab and remove "" from the Target field and click OK to save changes. Basically, there should be only the path to Internet Explorer executable file. Browser Hijacker Removal Guide
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