Jumat, 10 September 2010

Remove Avscanner.net (Uninstall Guide)

Avscanner.net is a browser hijacker that promotes the rogue anti-malware program called Malware Destructor 2011. Of course, it may promote any other rogue program as well but currently it prompts to download Malware Destructor 2011. Well, you probably won't end up with this knowingly. Usually, users are redirected to avscanner.net from infected websites or by other means. Avscanner.net will state that Windows Security has found critical process activity on your system and will perform fast scan of system files.

 In reality, thought, there will be no system scan. It's an imitation of the real scan. After the fake scan avscanner.net will claim to find Trojans:

  • W32.Mypics.Worm.36352
  • Trojan Horse IRC/Backdoor.sdBot4.FRV
  • Adware.Win32.Winad
  • Backdoor.Win32.Haxdoor.gu
  • Trojan Horse Generic11.OQJ

Ad this point, you should leave the misleading website immediately. If you choose to download their malware removal tool you will end up with Malware Destructor 2011 scareware on your computer. I'm sure you don't want that. However, if your computer is already infected with the rogue program then please follow Malware Destructor 2011 removal instructions to remove this malware from your computer for free using legitimate anti-malware software. If you have any questions please leave a comment. Good luck and be safe online!

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Remove Avscanner.net (Uninstall Guide)
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